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The Emotional Q | The marketing and advertising strategy of using emotions to make an impact.

Emotional Marketing. By the term itself it says that it includes the strategy of marketing and advertising with the use of human emotions to connect with its audience and make a successful purchase. The customer journey in this case is driven by emotions. Brands focus on tapping into every singular emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgusted, surprised, or any other response in order to make their audience notice, remember and relate, share with their peers and make a purchase.

How to Market our Product Emotionally?

Well before answering to this let’s first understand emotions. Emotions are what people feel. Maybe after a heartbreak or a scary movie, we can’t help but feel emotions. It is in human nature. Emotions are like colours and for most part it exist on a spectrum. When looking at Robert Plutchik’s - “wheel of emotions” where he has beautifully laid down emotions in form of a spectrum, it also helps us understand that focusing on the right set of spectrum is important and can be a game changer for any brand. One tiny change in the spectrum can lead to a different kind of happiness or different kind of sadness or different kind of any other emotions. Hence, it always matters what type of emotions we are looking to include in our marketing. Like our marketing goals, we must dig deep and define the emotion precisely that we are aiming to explicit. This depends majoring on the product, industry and the target market we are looking at.

Communicating our brand through emotions requires using consistent and engaging visual and verbal elements across all the touch points. We also need to ensure that all our brand channels be it social media, or websites or traditional communications, are all aligned with our brand style and message.

Does Emotional Marketing work ?

Brands focus on building an emotional connection with their customers through storytelling. It is because when you have formed an emotional bond with the customers, it creates certain level of trust and becomes easier to steer them for a desired outcome.

Emotional Marketing works for most because:

  1. It creates memorable first impressions - The ten second rule of advertising say that its a matter of seconds to make an impression. Be it a social media post or any video ads. A consumer would wish to spend just a few seconds and the first impression of the brand/product can make it stand out in the mind of the consumer through Marketing Emotions. This form of Marketing helps people decide with their hearts. Dove has made its way through their target audience through emotional marketing. Dove’s Marketing strategy is different from its competitors. Instead of going with the approach of casting celebrities, Dove focuses on connecting with real people. This not only helped the brand connect with its customers, but also helped in creating a unique and distinct brand image for Dove. They have notable Marketing Campaigns with respect to empowering women like - The Dove Real Beauty pledge, #ShowUs Campaign and many more.

  2. Emotional Marketing inspires people to act - Emotional Branding is a powerful tool and emotions tend to encourage other activities that can be helpful in the customers and Sellers. This remarkable Ad campaign provided sellers with a platform to communicate more about their journey and resonate and inspire the customers with their product branding.

Implementing Emotional Marketing is by creating a heartfelt Brand connection. Below are some pointers that should be kept in mind before proceeding with it:

  • Understand your Audience and what resonates most with them.

  • Storytelling - in a way that evokes emotional triggers. This should always be aligned with the brand message.

  • Connecting with the customers on a personal level by leveraging testimonials.


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