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Updated: May 27

Every field has its own way of evolving..... Service sector is renowned for its evolution from the primary ages of marketing. This post will explain you about the innovation and development of the service market.

But remember!!!

Innovation and design can never be stereotyped. It has to be updated with new features, irrespective of the field we speak about. Even though we learn through various classifications of innovation and development in service marketing, the unique strategy that covers the consumer market is up to you...

Definition: Service Innovation and Design

Service innovation is the out of box thinking to earn more loyalty from the customers, through efficient designing of the strategies to portray the services to the consumers. In a service market, the innovative strategy and the efficient designing describes the competitive advantage of the particular company in its specific market. More often service innovation is the scale, through which the customers access the dedication of the company towards its customers needs and comfort.

Types of Service Innovation

Innovation can be made in N number of ways but there are prescribed characteristics through which the innovation can be brought in and classified. There are three defined cases of service innovation. They are:

i. Innovation in offering the service

When a customer avails for a particular service from a company. The way, the service is produced to the customer leaves the first impression about the company and the service to the customer. This first impression builds loyalty in customer towards the company. Hence, the delivering of the service to the customer is a very critical period for the company where it has to implement its complete responsibility and try to avoid even the smallest of the mistakes. For instance, when we think about the globally famous coffee house company Starbucks, the top of the memory we get is their service. They make their connect with their in a very unique way, i.e. when we purchase a coffee at Starbucks they always write the name of the customer on the cups for giving a feel of affinity to the buyers. By this technique they establish a bond with the customers creating a chance for making their one time visit recurring.

Companies can also use the advantages of the developing technology in providing their service to their customers that can create extra traction towards their brand with the actual direct advertisement. For example, the electronic goods industry that sells domestic electronic products such as television, refrigerators, etc., are using Augmented Reality (AR) to let the customers experience the presence of their products in their personal environment even before buying.

ii. Innovation in customer roles

While there is a sale of service or product, the two major entities are the seller and buyer. Hence the customers create the same impact as of the sellers. The customers can be stated as key service innovation partners for the marketers because it is the feedback and ideation from them that makes way for new development and innovation of service offering. It is always the need from their side that paves way for creating innovative offering of the service and this need from customers is also an vulnerable spot for the companies to create additional offerings alongside it that increases the bandwidth of their need into a want ultimately creating a demand in the market for the particular service. "That's the play of need, want, and desire" (to know more on need, want, and desire click here)

iii. Innovation in service solution

Innovation in service solution basically means use of a technology or other innovative method in delivering the service to the customers. On a basic note, the innovation in service offering and customer roles directly affect the innovation in service solutions. The need for a particular service is create when there is a need in the market and the higher rate of traction is always with the solution that provides the best solution out of all the options. Hence it is always the best option for the businesses to continuously work on innovating or upgrading their service solution offerings in the market.

Process Development:

Service innovation is a process and not an momentary act. Hence like every process development there are various steps involved. The process of service innovation development involves:

  1. Generating ideas

  2. Capturing ideas

  3. Beginning innovation

  4. Developing a business-effectiveness strategy

  5. Applying business improvement

  6. Decline

With these developmental steps a service or even a product based company can innovate the way they offer their deliverable to the customers. This also creates a niche experience for the customers which create more traction towards the company even with much marketing and advertising efforts. Hence, the service innovation and process development is very important for every company to focus on.


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